Dealing with responsibilities provided by a job appropriately.
I am used to have a lot works, ever since. And I think my current stance will speak for it.
Before entering Don Bosco Canlubang as an Aspirant (a specific term used to describe the entry stage as a seminarian) of the Salesians of Don Bosco, I was assig
ned in Don Bosco Mandaluyong. I remember the very first day I set foot on that school wherein I was overwhelmed by the surrounding which I immediately felt being at home. I was well received by the priests especially by the Rector, Fr. Eli Cruz, SDB together with the whole community comprise of Fr. Demetrio Carmona, SDB, Bro. Jose Maria Ferrer, SDB, Fr. Hilario Tamonan, SDB, Fr. Martel Ramos, SDB, Fr. Ramon Borja, SDB, Fr. Jay David, SDB, Fr. Clarence Panganiban, SDB, Fr. Ramon Aldana, SDB, Fr. Eliseo Pio San Juan, SDB, Bro. Abner Santos, SDB, Bro Christian Josef Ocampo, SDB, Bro. Le Minh Luan Paul, SDB, Bro. Nguyen Hoang Phi Peter, SDB, Bro. Pham Hung Cuong Joseph, SDB and Bro. Tran Ba Hiep Michael, SDB. For that reason, I remained grateful.

My stay there led me to a lot of realizations and it includes one of my most revered. It goes: that the one who has “the CALL” is invited not because of one’s doing but rather by his own being. Such brought to existence after placing a relevant query to Fr. Eli, asking him how come he didn’t give me a specific work that entails a distinct responsibility.
Back then, I settled myself only on one of his reasons which is that he intends me to have a taste of everything allowing me to be placed on different departments in the institution only to assists. However, it remained vivid to me that such premise wasn’t accepted by my system that easy. Nevertheless, I continued to be obedient. Aside from that a statement caught my attention, saying:
“Seek what suffices, seek what is enough, and don’t desire more.
Whatever goes beyond that, produces anxiety not relief:
it will weigh you down instead of lifting you up.”
- St. Augustine
And so I felt suppressed yet patient. On the other hand, my present state here in Canlubang provided me otherwise. I have a lot of work, as a student, accountant (maintaining 2 books), youth group animator, event organizer, professor, adviser (financial and political) and most especially as a seminarian.
I cannot deny the fact that I take pride on it, for really I am. And somehow that gives much danger on it. For position provides power, and power corrupts, I have lived with this principle that is why I stay vigilant. Yet, I am not perfect because at times I fall on this trap, enjoying the many benefits the title can offer.
In line with this comes the importance of offering a work that is exemplary. “Thou shall not offer anything that is faulty, because it would not be worthy of Him.” says the Holy Scriptures. Thus, work should always be for the Lord and with the Lord. Don Bosco is very clear with this, to work with a clear intention of offering it everything for God.
Lastly, I believe that work should be understood clearly as an opportunity to serve the Lord through others. This reason alone gives justice to the claims above.
“Gaudium etsi laboriosum.”
(“Joy in spite of hardship.”)